sometimes it shares miscellany found floating about the interwebs or sometimes it shares miscellany found floating about my head. sometimes both.

Monday, May 23, 2005

been a long time having the usual headache hate you all

head heart hands... holes... headache, heartache, blood bleeding masterpieces all over
my front and back lawns

i do not own a lawn i have no garden

i need more books and more sunshine
exercise and vegetables
green things such as broccoli
and money! that's good too!

christ never gave me biscuits and i am sorry for everything i have ever ripped in two

not really. only some things.

my back hurts too.

i eat and drink too much sugary substances and have very bad teeth as a result

thusly my teeth also hurt oftentimes and too much


good nite.

this iz by whom?

My photo
mpls, mn, United States


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