sometimes it shares miscellany found floating about the interwebs or sometimes it shares miscellany found floating about my head. sometimes both.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Thursday, May 18, 2006

this is a test

i just need to be posting something write now and it needs to be really long cuz i was having trouble with the formatting of type or display of the type as i write it rather in my other browser and i need to find out if i will have this same trouble in sarfaree as also so i am testing testing test 1 2 test 1 2 test 1 2 3 4 to see if i have problems with the typing in the sarfari i need to keep typing and typing and typing and typing and typing so many things just to do a diagnostic process i would rather be eating fried chicken or something i am thirsty but still i must keep typing and typing and typing till i conclude that there is no problem when i type in sarfari or maybe there is so far i am not having trouble which i guess means it is my fire fox that is screwed up i like my firefox i don't like sarfaree so much damned it hell to darn dang i am not happy at all with this turn of events i want my typing in my fox browser to work proper it is ever so very sad i don't know what to do i am still typing but soon i think i will stop and figure that it is indeed just fire fox and then i will send a message to my poor computer knowing about friend who i hassle for computer knowings and whine about broken fire fox and maybe he will come up with an idea to fix....

Saturday, May 13, 2006

this iz by whom?

My photo
mpls, mn, United States


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