sometimes it shares miscellany found floating about the interwebs or sometimes it shares miscellany found floating about my head. sometimes both.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

my grasses abound with snakes

yes i hate everything. i need something to fix the angry and hating, it's unpleasant. i am going to go try some drinking and smoking but i doubt that will make me feel better for longer than an hour or two. a sandwich may improve my mood slightly. i do like sandwiches, if they are good.
i like cheese too. did i mention that? i am very fond of cheese. even though i still feel like i hate everything right now. i should acknowledge it's a momentary phase. i am bleeding. i have a headache. i am suffering from a lack of lunch and it's past dinnertime. my tooth hurts. i meant to go somewhere fun an hour ago and haven't gone yet cuz i feel crappy and haven't found ambition for moving. now it's getting quite late. i don't think i am going to go where i was going to go anymore. sigh. but i should consider feeding myself some tasty food item. then i will go someplace and intoxicate myself with overpriced beverages. blah.

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mpls, mn, United States


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