sometimes it shares miscellany found floating about the interwebs or sometimes it shares miscellany found floating about my head. sometimes both.

Friday, December 02, 2005


sitting here listening to lovely craptastic midi of the Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers theme song and just finished yet another mad lib type thing. Still ain't really done no schoolwork. anyway, here's the madlib type thing:

A Game of Pinball


The other day, I played what is perhaps the most hasty pinball game I've ever seen. It was called "The Tense Scissors of Gerhard the Panda." The object of the game was to hit the ball with the flippers and the rotating cracker to get it to go through the Achey Tunnel of Hatred, thereby lighting the bonus pitchers which you could hit to enter the Super Going Whales Round. Alternately, if you hit the ball into the Ham-flavored Ramp, the Gyrating Busty Strippers of Torment would become activated, which earns you big bonus points if you hit all 7 of the Dustbunnies of Leaving within one minute. You can win an extra ball if you threaten the Villainous Bologna of Fishing, but only when all the Drop Flyers have been blew. It was a really muddy game, but after playing for a decade straight, my nipple was sore for a second. "

'the Gyrating Busty Strippers of Torment' - would that be a good name for a band? too long-winded. but it has a a nice ring to it. Okay, now I should go do something important. Wow, now I'm listening to a midi rendition of "Rock the Casbah". Rock.

mad muddled talez

"The Hanukkah Party

Last week my whole family went to a Hanukkah party at my Uncle Tom Hanks's house in Cloquet. The first thing we did when we got there was open presents. Uncle Tom Hanks always gives us silly presents. This year he gave me a turnip and my little sister, Courtney Love, a badass.

“squeek, Uncle Tom Hanks,” I said, “How did you know I wanted a turnip?”

Then Courtney Love, my cousins, and I played a dreidel game. My cousin Jesus put an empty bowl in the center of the table, and gave us each our own pile of candy for the game. Courtney Love went first, spun a shin, and had to put a piece of her candy in the bowl. I could tell she wanted to impale, but she knew she had to behave. The bowl continued to fill with candy, with most of us spinning shin. Then I spun a gimel. I got the whole bowl of candy!

On the way home, I whispered to Courtney Love that I would share my candy with her, but she had fallen fast asleep."

"Lessons Aesop Never Taught

And the moral of the story is…

Two corks don't make a jugs.

Never wiggle with elephant.

toss while you're ahead.

One jiggly boss deserves another.

A slippery tailpipe spoils the whole barrel.

The early jaguar catches the hose.

Slow and steady wins the jail.

A buntcake a day keeps Steve Irwin away.

gorilla of a feather butter together.

You can bring a ostrich to water, but you can't make it mangle."

"mad libs" style fill-in-the blank game for grades 3 and up!

official Mad Libs site. only 3 to do online. moderately lame-ish.

sum moore

an' som others

and a page 'o' links to even more.

now i am bored of damned things. ineed cough drops or some sort of throat easing medication. argh.
lips hurt.

i have been downloading fun fun midis all eve. for to work on a project for electronic music class. thee results i shall likely share with my fanbase at my myspace haven, it'll prolly be a couple weeks though. not due for a bit and i ain't even started yet. yup. got like 2 weeks. damned school. got too much of these damned schoolwork to do. but the electronic music is me favorite class. i am also liking much the photography. the other 2 are kind of hurting me though i am happy to have learned about maxmsp/jitter.
enough of this mucking about on internet. must work on skool shite. yes indeed.

this iz by whom?

My photo
mpls, mn, United States


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