sometimes it shares miscellany found floating about the interwebs or sometimes it shares miscellany found floating about my head. sometimes both.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

random thoughts from class 3/8/05

garlic and root beer today is tuesday, march eighth, 2005 a.d.
(today is a concept? what is today? living in the now...?)
salt helps conductivity, salt water, salted frozen meat

cold texture touch sensor variable multi-speaker sounds
dark enclosed spa e, light??
different textures?

-salt lemon-
-sugar wasabi-

earwax? --- Harry Potter Jelly Belly Jelly Beans...


angels, aura, muscles

salt kills slugs?

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they even have a helpful video. (ew, says i...)

national ice center!

-- -- --
enuf krap 4 taday


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mpls, mn, United States


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