sometimes it shares miscellany found floating about the interwebs or sometimes it shares miscellany found floating about my head. sometimes both.

Friday, March 11, 2005

previous post a headache/eyesore. i do still want whiskey, however.

today is friday the eleventh of march. i could claim to be having a bad day, mayhaps, but i haven't decided yet. being only four p.m. i am waiting and seeing how the rest of it happens.

i am sleepy.
strongly considering home for a nap. no mountainclimbing, or go-passing, or getting lost in the supermarket. just home and have a lie-down. sounds appealing. i like dreaming.

snowy snowing snow. pretty but it's cold and windy. i must procure a new hat.

anyone wanna help me cut my hair? i made a horrible mess of it.


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by gum golly, i guess that's enough for today, noone on 56k is gonna be able to load all this...

concert last night:

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