yum :)
so the first two are what I drank last night. yup, both of 'em. hence the not getting any sleep >.< I foresee more of the stuff in my future to get through the day...
at the moment probably my favorite energy drinks among the myriad varieties available. rockstar apparently has a guava version as well, which I really would like to try.
cricket cola- I guess it doesn't qualify as an energy drink though it works well for me in that capacity. It's unique and very tasty, a cola drink boasting natural caffeine and green tea, giving it a unique taste and, at least for me, causing a unique sort of stimulation that felt different from the boost I get from other caffeine beverages. It might sound odd but the boost felt more cheerful/balanced. :) something like that. I haven't found it at many places in my are yet but fortunately there are some cafes nearby that have it, also, apparently b/c the owner of the chain is friends with someone among those responsible for the cola, the Potbelly Sandwich Works chain carries it in at least some of their stores. I'm hoping to see it more widely available, it being awesome and all. :)
If you're interesting in reading a heck of alot more on all the different energy drinks on the market, I found this energy review site where hundreds of such drinks have been reviewed, including alcoholic varieties such as sparks, four, and my personal favorite, tilt. -- click here to voyage deep into energy drink review land
I had further plans for this post but it's getting close to work going time and I must prepare more sleep-deprivation + energy drink overload addled self...
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